It's the stuff of night-mares! Ageing horse that suffers from narcolepsy is saved by 999 crew after sleepwalking into a deep and muddy ditch

  • Molly, 27, suffers from narcolepsy and have become trapped after sleepwalking
  • She needed to be rescued by Cheshire firefighters after getting caught in ditch
  • Spokesman for the hearth service mentioned it was certainly one of their most uncommon calls 

An ageing horse that suffers from the sudden sleep situation narcolepsy needed to be rescued by firefighters after sleepwalking right into a deep, muddy ditch.

Molly, 27, grew to become trapped in 4ft of mud after wandering round her subject in her sleep.

Her proprietor dialled 999 on Wednesday evening and two hearth crews and an animal rescue group from Bollington, Cheshire, had been referred to as out.

A spokesman for Cheshire Hearth and Rescue Service confirmed it was certainly one of their extra uncommon rescue calls. 

Molly the narcoleptic horse, pictured, grew to become trapped in 4ft of mud after sleepwalking round her subject

The unlucky mare was rescued by 999 crews who mentioned it was one of the uncommon calls they'd ever acquired

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